...Roll in ze Hay

Location: Alexandria, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Return of the Blog - A Year Later

2007 was the year of the travel...

Stats of 2007:
5 Trips to Hawaii
4 Trips to California
3 Trips to Chicago
2 Trips Pennsylvania
1 Trip to Italy

47% of my Year was spent in a place other than what I would call home.

The 3 Chicago trips were the most emotionally draining events (Grandmother's funeral, Brother'sWedding). The best trip definately was the trip to Italy.

Thats was 2007 in a Nut Shell.

On to 2008!!!

I think I am going to start off 08 in the most batshit insane way i can imagine... How? By running two marathons within a month and raising money for the special olympics by doing the Maryland Polar Bear Plunge! I'll be posting a link in the near future.